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experimental typeface, 2023

my first typeface

alfabet is the first font i have created. every letter shape is unique and made independently, resulting in a chaotic, and very loud experimental typeface. it currently has a quite small character set.

if something did go terribly wrong in human history
and given the current state of the world it's hard to deny something did

then perhaps it began to go wrong precisely when people started losing that freedom to imagine and enact other forms of social existence to such a degree that some now feel this particular type of freedom hardly ever existed or was barely exercised for the greater part of human history


a month of mindfulnes

at the very end of 2022 i started taking a bit of time every few days to sit down and paint a letter and a small decoration as a way to calm down, and practice my watercolors.

i also used it as a start to get to know type software and learn the basics of creating typefaces.