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sj minibistro

group work, collaboration, 2023

bistro for regional travel

sj came to us – a group of industrial design and interior architecture students – with the task of creating a bistro solution for regional trains, so travelers could grab something to drink or a bite to eat on their trip.

at the same time, the number of seats lost needed to be kept to a minimum.

a different kind of seating

our proposal is a social area for travelers, with the ability to buy food and drinks, socialise and enjoy the view. we wanted the bistro to feel like a change of scenery, more like a restaurant then a normal train interior.

luckily, almost no actual seating space was lost with this proposal, just tranformed into more social seating, in the form of benches and a bar.

rethinking the wagon

to complement the social area created by the bistro, we also worked with creating a compartment of social open seating, to have a sort of gradient between the normal train seats and the bistro.

social open seating

the idea of the social compartment is to allow people that don't need their quiet – leisure travelers, friend groups, families – to be able to gather and interact. the interior takes up a few of the materials and design elements of the bistro and exudes more warmth than the general seating.